I find Vladimir Putin to be a fascinating characther, a man who definitely earned Time Magazine's "Man of the Year" award, but this article seems to stamp away at the fact that he is a manipulative, power-driven leader who'll do whatever it takes to keep him and his party in office and out of the line of questioning.
This particular "behind-the-scenes" censorship has hit home for me, the budding, unjaded journalist. What good is any kind of media that doesn't constantly question authority? It appears as if this crackdown has even resulted comical criticism being barred from the airwaves, done away with the puppets and actors poking fun of administration leaders.
Here's a pro-quote from current president Dmitry Medvedev, straight from the NY Times article:

“Our television is very often criticized,” Mr. Medvedev said in April. “They say it is boring, it is pro-government, it is too oriented towards the positions of state agencies, of those in power. You know, I can say that our television — in terms of quality, in terms of the technology used — is, I believe, one of the best in the world.”
Gotta give it to the guy, the quality of Russia television would bring tears to any Kremlin-proud eye. They even remade Grace Under Fire. Lack of dissent and pumpkinhead children do not make for quality programming Mr. Medvedev.
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